In preparation for an upcoming gig (where I play some ambient piano music) I try to play more piano in the next few weeks.
In preparation for an upcoming gig (where I play some ambient piano music) I try to play more piano in the next few weeks.
The last three crafts were in the same tuning and these might shape up to a complete song. I think I drop craft 016 though ;). The idea for the chorus came after watching Antoine Dufour’s song Air Ground. One of my favorite fingerstyle tunes at the moment.
Tuning: C G D# G C D#
Same tuning as yesterday. Still missing a melody but could be a grooving bridge. The recording was so short I just looped the whole thing twice ;).
Tuning: C G D# G C D#
At the moment not much variety in this idea and the melody isn’t really strong. But I really like the flow ;).
Tuning: C G D# G C D#
Just coughed up the Tuning C G D G A D from a Jon Gomm Tweet. So I tried it out and came up with a first little idea.
Tuning: C G D G A D
I’m using this tuning on one of my songs called “Feeling Deep”. While practicing this song I tried to put a partial capo and came up with different parts that may fit somehow for a new song in the future.
Tuning: D A D F A E
Capo: Strings 3, 4, 5 / fourth fret
I currently have a 0.52 string on my 6th string so it’s not really a good idea to tune it down to A ;). I should probably use a 0.56 or so. Just uploaded a little idea with some mistakes. It is missing a clear melody for now but I liked the chord progression.
Tuning: A B D F# B D
Just came up with a little idea while streaming on Twitch. This could be like an chorus followed by a bridge.
Tuning: Standard
Capo: Strings 3, 4, 5 / fourth fret
Beim Streamen auf Twitch baue ich manchmal Loops mit verschiedenen Instrumenten. Letztens habe ich mal wieder meine Ukulele herausgeholt und dabei sind folgende Töne zustande gekommen (erneut hinterlegt mit einer automatischen Drumspur von Apples Musikmemos).
Tuning: G C E A
Eine weitere kleine Idee, die man sich vor dem Part von Craft 008 vorstellen könnte. Bei dieser Aufnahme habe ich Apples Musikmemos ausgetestet und eine automatisch generierte Drum-Spur hinzufügen lassen.
Tuning: C G D G C E